Sunday, April 27, 2008

TFTM Wingblade Review


TFTM Wingblades vehicle mode is supposed to be an A-10 Warthog (Thunderbolt II) tank buster plane in a real world. This is the plane that shoots down Scorponok in the desert. Remember when the soldiers where running and escaping from Scorponok on the deserts. The soldiers agreed on assuring an air strikes over Scorponok so the calling of an air strikes is succesful and an A-10 appeared to dismantle or slowdown Scorponok. I think this is the one on the movie.

So on for a review TFTM Wingblade is an Ultra Class box from Transformers Movie toyline. It is a remold of the same character from TF Cybertron I forgot which character it is. Well anyways these is for the movie toy line. He is an inch bigger than a Voyager Class Ironhide and also he has a wing span that can cover two TFTM deluxe class autobots.

The paint or color scheme is good really love the Autobot insignia on the middle chest of him kinda reminds me of Voltron. The insignia on the middle chest is kinda bit of shiney. He has a butt load of armaments that was attached on his wings like quadruple missile on it a double cannon on the wings you can fire one off each on its wings. I think these is my only toy that requires two triple A or two double A batteries. Did you say batteries? yep batteries that is located on the bottom of its cockpit. The purpose of these two batteries is that you can play a sound where you push a botton on the top of the cockpit. I don't know what kind of sound it is I haven't tried putting two batteries yet on these one.

The alternate mode or vehicle mode of Wingblade is a good one it is the closest A-10 Warthog (Thunderbolt II) you'll ever get on a Transformers. On a robot mode Wingblade is awesome he has a lot of detachments on it. Like you can detach the flaperons on the wings that those flaperons acts as a blade. You can also detach two blade holders on the bottom or at the tail end of the plane where you can attach it to the flaperons. You can also detached the two cannons on its wing tips and can attached it both on its arms same as the blades.

TFTM Wingblade includes an insert key where you can insert it on a certain part to reveal its true firepower. On Wingblades side the insert key is located on the top of the cockpit once you insert the red key the nose of the plane opens and reveals its hyper mega cannon or what ever you call it. You can remove the keys afterwards and can close the nose cockpit again. You can also move the head of the cockpit on top of its head on robot mode and put the keys on it to act as a hyper robot mode blasting away Decepticons on to oblivion. The transformation is an easy one all you have to do is a simple twist and turn on these baby. The articulation is really good you can do a bunch of common movements despite of its sheer bulkiness. Althou the kick test failed to accomplished because it is too big and can't support its own balance while standing on one foot. Also when you move its legs or arms you'll hear some clicking sounds everytime you move it this is because the joints are really tight.

Well to conclude it these is another must have TFTM movie toy line you'll never regret having these one stored away on your display cabinets. If you still doesn't have the original one that came from TF Cybertron (can some one please tell me the name of the character of the same type from TF Cybertron toyline) then these is a must have. Got these one from GT and it cost me 2000 bucks it was supposed to be 2000 bucks but i have a discount so it went down to 1900. Next stop I'll be eyeing on TFTM Jetstorm.

So for the score:

I'll give TFTM Wingblade a 8/10 why because it didn't passed the kick test .... :-)